
continental shelf 【地質學;地理學】陸棚,陸裙,大陸架。

continental slope

The juridical continental shelf of a coastal or island nation consists of the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea to the outer edge of the continental margin , or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baseline used to measure the territorial sea where the continental margin does not extend to that distance 書上的翻譯:沿海國或者島國法律上的大陸架包括延伸到其領海以外直到大陸邊緣外部界限的海底區域的海床和底土;如果從測算領海寬度的基線起到大陸邊緣的距離不到200海里,則應擴展到200海里的距離。

The transitional facies can also be divided as estuarine , tidal flat and lagoon ; the depositional envirnononents of clastic rock marine facies include offshore , shallow water continental shelf , deep water continental shelf , slop as well as the deep water basin ; the carbonate facies can also be divided into a carbonate platform and ramp 海陸過渡相又分為河口灣、潮坪、瀉湖;海相碎屑巖沉積環境包括濱海、淺水陸棚、深水陸棚、斜坡以及深水盆地;碳酸鹽巖海相又可分為碳酸鹽臺地、碳酸鹽緩坡。

The topography and the physiognomy of the south china sea are very complex such as continental slop , continental shelves , seamounts , sea basin , etc . the south china sea lies between qingzang plateau , which is as the main driver of the variety of climate , and the western part of the pacific , which is called warm pool , and is influenced by some current systems , such as coastal current , kuroshi , etc . the south sea has considerable species 南海具有陸坡、陸架、海溝、海盆等復雜的地形、地貌;南海位于作為地球氣候變化的主要驅動力的青藏高原和西太平洋暖池之間;南海受到沿岸流、南海暖流水、黑潮入侵水等流系的影響;南海具有豐富的物種分布;上述因素共同影響南海生源要素的分布、輸送和遷移。

According to the differences of sedimentary facies and environment , the source rock are divided into four types such as lime - mud reef in platform margin , platform inner sag , deep - water flat slope or continental shelf , abyssal basin , the lime - mud reef type is distributed in platform margin of upper ordovician , the remained three types are widely distributed in cambrian - ordovician system 根據沉積相帶與沉積環境的不同,可將烴源巖劃分為在不同沉積環境中的4種類型烴源巖;臺地邊緣灰泥丘型烴源巖、臺地內凹陷型烴源巖、深水緩坡與陸棚型烴源巖、深海盆地型烴源巖。

The shallow thermocline distributes in the areas of guangdong , guangxi , fujian and vietnam continental shelf , with obviously seasonal variabilily , and at the same time , in the south and middle areas of nanhai , even in winter when there is no thermocline in the coastal area , there also exists the shallow thermocline 后者廣東、廣西、福建沿海陸架區則與黃、東海相同,表現為季節性溫躍層,有成長、強盛、消衰、無躍層的年周期變化過程。南海深溫度躍層基本屬于水團疊置型,躍層分布范圍及躍層強度、上界深度、厚度與氣候關系不大。

On the basis of former researchers ' work , the author studies sm on ecs continental shelf according to mathematical simulation technique . firstly , the author simulates marine dynamic field with much precise temperature and salinity data . seconly , the author computes the distribution of concentration of sm and its transport in winter and in summer according to a 3 - d suspended matter model . lastly , the author analyses the transport of suspended matter by sea water dynamic circumstance 本文在前人的工作基礎上,通過數值模擬的方法就懸浮體輸送問題進行了探討。首先,利用精度較高的溫鹽資料模擬了黃、東海的水動力場,再通過一個對流? ?擴散型物質輸送模型模擬了東海陸架上冬季和夏季懸浮體的分布情況,最后結合水動力就懸浮體輸送進行了分析。

What makes this island special is that it is the only oceanic island not connected to the continental shelf in malaysia rising 2 , 000 feet 600 meters on a limestone pinnacle that mushrooms out near the surface . pulau sipadan have the largest variety of soft corals in the world . turtles swim and frolic freely in the waters around sipadan and divers will find lobster , barracudas , beautiful coral fishes and sometimes even sharks swimming by 其蘑菇形石柱島,深入海底1000米,露出地面的淺水處,各式咸水魚成群,不諳泳術只玩浮潛,也夠大開眼界深諳潛水者,當然是到深海峭壁探險,在水深30米跟成群大海鐵頭魚鯊魚及東星斑等來個大合照。

Through the analysis of the stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of the research areas , the description model between the stratigraphic framework and deposite environment can be set up firstly by the transition from the “ three horizons sandstone with two intercalated limestone horizons ' mn yanshiping area to shale and marl in amdo - zigetang co , and to oil shale in bilong co , then by the transition of the shallow water platform facies to the deep water continental shelf , slope , and to the deep water basin 通過對研究區地層和沉積相分析,建立起一個從北向南由雁石坪地層類型“三砂夾兩灰”過渡為安多?茲格塘錯地層類型泥頁巖、泥灰巖,最后到比洛錯地層類型黑色油頁巖,由淺水臺地相過渡到深水陸棚、斜坡,最后到深水盆地相的地層格架與沉積環境解釋模式。

Results as following : in the east china sea and the yellow sea , zooplankton showed higher diversity in the low latitude and warm species occurred mainly in the south of 31 n , five communities were distinguished by twinspan method , based on data of species composition and environmental factors . they are : i ) yellow sea neritic community ( f ) with indicator species of labidocera euchaeta in autumn and centropages mcmurrichi in spring ; ii ) yellow sea central community ( hc ) with indicator species of themisto gracilipes , calanus sinicus and euphausia pacifica , the latter two species occurred only in autumn ; iii ) east china sea continental shelf mixed water community ( k ) with indicator species such as rhincalanus cornutus and pterosagitta draco which were confined in waters with high temperature and salinity , iv ) yellow sea and east china sea mixed water community ( he ) and v ) east china sea inshore mixed water community ( m ) 根據twinspan等多元分析結果,比較各組群的浮游動物種類組成和環境特征,可將東、黃海浮游動物群落分為5個,黃海沿岸群落( f ) ,指示種秋季為真刺唇角水蚤,春季為墨氏胸刺水蚤;黃海中部群落( hc ) ,指示種以細長腳蟲戎為主,秋季還有中華哲水蚤和太平洋磷蝦;東海外陸架高溫高鹽群落( k ) ,指示種為角錨哲水蚤、飛龍翼箭蟲等多種狹布型暖水種類;黃東海交匯區群落( he )和東海近岸混合群落( m ) ,兩群落包含多種生態類型種類,其中溫帶近岸低鹽種在he中較多,廣布性暖水種在m群落中較多。

The important agreements signed include the viet nam - us bilateral trade agreement , viet nam - china land border treaty , viet nam - china agreements on the delimitation of the tonkin gulf and fishery cooperation , and the viet nam - indonesia agreement on the delimitation of the continental shelf boundary , etc 簽署的重要協議包括越南與美國雙邊貿易協定,越南與中國陸地邊界條約,越南與中國關于東京灣劃界和漁業合作的協定,以及越南與印尼關于大陸架邊緣劃界協定等等。

As for your question , article 77 of the unclos stipulated that “ the coastal state exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources . “ china ' ' s gas exploration is conducted in our coastal waters where japan does not have disputes with us 至于你提到的問題,根據《聯合國海洋法公約》第77條規定, “沿海國可為勘探大陸架和開發其自然資源的目的,對大陸架行使主權權利” 。

Transport of suspended matter ( sm ) on east china sea ( ecs ) continental shelf is very important for the development of continental physiognomy and its environment et al . the study of sm on ecs shelf is presently recognized as a front study in marine geology 東海陸架懸浮體的輸送關系到陸架地質地貌的發育和演化、陸架生態環境和陸架邊緣物質交換等方面。東海陸架懸浮體問題一直是學者們所關注的問題之一。

The carbonate source rocks of middle - upper ordovician in tarim basin are widely distributed in different sedimentary environments at the same period such as platform margin slope , platform inner sag , continental shelf , abyssal basin , etc 摘要塔里水盆地中上奧陶統碳酸鹽巖烴源巖在同一時期不同的沉積環境(臺緣斜坡、臺地內凹陷、陸棚、深海盆地等)中均有發育。

Earlier this week another of the quintet , russia , sent a submarine to the ocean floor at the north pole , planting a flag on part of the sea bed that it claims is an extension of the siberian continental shelf 上周早些時候,五國之一的俄羅斯派遣一艘深海潛水器前往北冰洋底,在海床上插上了一面俄羅斯國旗,該國聲稱這一地區的海床是西伯利亞大陸架的延伸。

Continental shelf , the sea area with abundant resources and comparatively easy for exploration , especially in term of significance in military , gradually becomes one of the hot points various countries vie for 大陸架作為資源富集及開采相對便利的海域,加之在軍事上的重要意義,逐漸成為世界各國在海洋上爭奪的焦點之一。

In the northeast continental shelf in ecs , the kuroshio intruded towards north in several branches in winter , while in summer , the kuroshio intruded the northern shelf through continental marginal flow 東海東北部陸架海域冬季黑潮以其分支形式向北入侵,夏季則主要以大陸邊緣流的形式向北進入陸架。

Distributed in continental shelf depths of all tropica and subtropical oceans , ophichthidae can burrow in sand and mud substrates or coral reefs by pointed rayless tail tips or acute snouts 摘要蛇鰻科魚類廣布于各大洋的熱帶和亞熱帶大陸架水域,可依靠尖突的頭部和尖禿骨化的尾端在沙土或珊瑚礁后潛穴。

The results show that kuroshio intrudes onto the continental shelf of east china sea in large scale and during its flow water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea along ryukyu island 模擬結果表明黑潮在東海陸架有大規模的入侵,其在沿東海陸坡流動途中沿著沖繩島與外海不斷的進行水體交換。

But the lowest summer ice cap on record put sea ice far north of the outer continental shelf , the shallow , life - rich shelf of ocean bottom in the bering and chukchi seas 但今年夏天北極冰帽面積縮小至歷史最低記錄,使海冰向北推移,遠離了白令海和楚科奇海一帶海底生物豐富的淺大陸架外圍地區。